Saturday, May 16, 2009

Issues After Breast Cancer By Haralee Weintraub

I attended this year's Susan G Komen for the Cure®, Breast Cancer Issues conference in Portland, Oregon. This conference addressed risk reduction, treatment options and survivorship.

It was a great, well organized, and well attended conference. The 3 sessions had 5 lectures to chose, all very interesting, resulting in a difficult choice. Luckily the notes of all sessions were included in a cd.

Of special interest to me was the key note speaker, Dr. Kerri Winter-Stone. Kerri just completed the data on the study I was in on breast cancer and exercise. Not to minimize the results but the bottom line is we all have to move. Exercise, stretching and resistance training are needed daily for overall well being and for bone health. Chemotherapy and other drugs can deplete bone density and through exercise we can rebuild our bones. Exercise has to be an "Intentional" part of your day, every day.

Good to reinforce what we know to be true, diet and environmental tidbits from the lectures:

• Eat fewer calories to loose weight.
• Eat whole foods, extra virgin olive oil, fatty fish, raw nuts, whole grains and 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
• Eliminate refined grains, flours sugars and processed meat.
• Don't heat foods in plastic or plastic wrap in the microwave.
• Try making your own household cleaning products.
• Plastics labeled #1, #2, and #5 are OK.
• Avoid Plastics labeled #3, #4, #6, and #7.

Are your co-workers, friends or family members smart and looking for a career in health care with less emphasis on the care? Suggest RESEARCH as a career option. Medical protocols are changing rapidly. Long term side effects of cancer and other diseases are being researched. There is no shortage of areas of questions for PhD's to explore, only answers.

Get All the Benefits of Co-Q10 Antioxidants By Steve A Johnson

Coenzyme Q10 is also known as ubiquinone, coenzyme Q, CoQ10, Q10 or just Q.

CoQ10 helps deliver electrical charges to the mitochondria so that they can produce energy. The heart has the largest amount of mitochondria than any other muscles in the body. It I s involved with making the molecule adenosine triphosphate(ATP). The ATP serves as the cell's major energy source has a lot to do with muscle contractions and protein productions.

CoQ10 is an antioxidant as well. The antioxidants help to get rid of free radicals that damage the body. Free radicals contribute to the aging process, alter cell membranes, and tamper with DNA. Taking Coq10 can neutralize free radicals and reduce or prevent some of the damage that the free radicals can cause. CoQ10 can also boost your energy levels and enhance the immune system. CoQ10 a very small molecule making it easier to penetrate the skin, this makes it good for skin care products. It is also known to prevent wrinkles and protect the skin from aging because of how small the molecules are and its antioxidant properties.

It has also been known to treat cardiovascular disease. it improves the circulation of blood throughout the body and helps the mitochondria process fat and cholesterol better. It can prevent cholesterol build up in the arteries this way and increase the amount of oxygen to heart. Helping to process cholesterol better will lower blood pressure and prevent blood vessels from clumping together and creating blood clots.

It has been suggested that it can boost immunity, lower blood sugar levels, and can slow the growth of tumors. This is because it boosts mitochondria function. It has also been said that it can increase endurance of athletes, increase energy levels in older people who have chronic illness and chronic fatigue.

Women with breast cancer who take CoQ10 with other cancer treatments can shrink there tumors and reduce the pain from the condition. It can also cause partial remission. It may help to prevent damage to the heart that is caused by chemotherapy. People that have gum disease tend to have low levels of CoQ10 in their gums. CoQ10 makes faster healing and tissue repair it is used in a mouth wash in this case.

CoQ10 is available in a lot of different forms. It can be found in capsules, tablets, skin creams, combination products like energy boosters and anti-aging supplements. It can also be eaten in such foods as mackerel and tuna fish, organ meats, and vegetables are all good sources of it. It has no side effects and it has to be taken in large doses to get medical benefits from it like for heart disease and diabetes. It is not recommended that it be the only medical treatment. It should be taken with prescription drugs or what you doctor tells you are the best treatments for you.

Alternative Health Supplements offers a CoQ10 product that you can get all these benefits from. Co-Q10 Antioxidant Capsules by Bell can improve your heart function, respiration, immune system, energy, gum health, retard aging, and helps the body burn fat and cope with stress.

Steven Johnson is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on any other health supplements please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements at

3 Potential Ovarian Cancer Treatments By Thomas Parker

Ovarian cancer is a condition that develops when the ovary cells start to grow in a rapid and uncontrollable way. This then leads to the formation of a cancerous tumour which can have a number of undesirable side effects including constipation and stomach pain. It is most prevalent in women aged 50 years and older and is very rare in young women. Fortunately, it is very treatable if caught early. In this article I will be discussing three of the possible ovary cancer treatments.

1) SURGERY:- Most ovarian cancers require surgery. If the cancer is contained within one ovary then the surgeon may be able to remove just that ovary and the connected fallopian tube. Following this type of surgery you will still be able to conceive as you will have one ovary and one fallopian tube remaining. However, if the ovary cancer has become more advanced then the you will need to have the womb, both ovaries and both fallopian tubes removed in a surgical procedure called a hysterectomy. Following a hysterectomy you will not be able to conceive and will enter the menopause immediately.

2) CHEMOTHERAPY:- This type of treatment involves using anti-cancer medication to shrink or kill the ovarian tumour. Chemotherapy is not as effective as surgery but is generally used to reduce the chances of the ovary cancer coming back after surgery. Unfortunately there are a number of side effects associated with this type of treatments including hair loss and vomiting. However, these side effects are only temporary and subside once the course of chemotherapy ends.

3) RADIOTHERAPY:- This type of treatment involves aiming high energy radiation beams at the ovarian tumour. Like chemotherapy, radiotherapy is not as effective as surgery but it is useful following surgery to reduce the chances of the ovarian cancer coming back. There are a number of side effects associated with radiotherapy including skin reactions and tiredness but these should disappear once the treatment ends.

I hope this article has given you an insight into the possible ovarian cancer treatments. If you have any reason to believe that you have contracted this condition then go and see your doctor right away. They will then be able to discuss your concerns, provide you with proper testing and if necessary go through the above treatments with you. Ovary cancer is a terrible disease but if caught in the early stages it can be treated very effectively.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Ovarian cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about treating ovarian cancer and how improving your fitness can help you prevent cancer by visiting his Free Fitness Tips Blog

Qigong - A Pathway to Heaven and Health By Karin Whitney Cooke

Qigong (also spelled chi kung) is a practice that is over 4000 years old in China. It is meditative, healing and spiritual and has been found to be a powerful way to maintain health, treat disease, and cultivate wisdom. Tai chi is related to qigong as the martial art form of the science. There are hundreds of forms of qigong in China today that vary in forms and techniques. The aim of all qigong forms is the same: to help people achieve their optimum level of wellness; to make a positive impact to the well being of humanity.

How does Qigong work? The body is enlivened by a life-force energy, which when blocked or weakened, can predispose a person to illness. Treatments, such as Qigong, that can increase the energy flow can be curative. Like a radio with a spent battery, a human body with low levels of energy (qi) performs poorly. Qigong is the practice of bringing qi (energy) from the universe into the body, and the cultivation of that vital energy to flow throughout the body unimpeded by blockages. Blockages are formed throughout our meridians (energy pathways) by stress, improper diet, pollution and other environmental toxins. Qi is the true energy of being alive, it keeps us healthy. According to Chinese medicine, when qi and blood are circulating freely, there is no disease or pain.

Qigong is a biological science. It comes from the struggle of man against a toxic environment and illness, and has been effective for centuries in improving health and curing disease. The effectiveness of Qigong comes from treating the mind and the body as a whole. It is a physical as well as a mental exercise that regulates the three essential elements: MIND, BREATH, and BODY. To practice Qigong regularly will improve health continuously.

By combining both physical and mental work, Qigong transforms energy into qi (bioenergy, vital force, life-force, prana, ki, mana), which stores spirit, and in turn, spirit then nourishes qi. In every movement there is exercise of the mind as well as of all parts of the body; while the qi is being directed to the internal organs simultaneously. This process cleans out the channels (meridians) and nourishes the qi and blood. Energy, qi, and spirit will then be sufficient in the body to nourish the inner organs and limbs so illness can be overcome and health improved. This is an active therapy, capable of tapping one's natural potential and curing disease with one's own power. The purpose here is to prevent disease, recover health, and prolong life to make a greater contribution to society.

The curative mechanisms of Qigong is the result of exercising the muscles, bones and skin externally, while refining energy, qi and mind internally. Through this exercise of the mind, breath and body, the qi and blood are allowed to flow freely around the body without any blockage. Qigong treats the mind and body as a whole, thus is very effective. With continued Qigong practice, the accumulation of vital energy in the body will steadily increase. As this energy gains momentum, it is capable of killing bacteria and malignant cells and increases resistance to disease. The more time spent on one's practice, the better the results

Qigong trains the will and the powers of concentration and can be an efficient tool in the transformative process. To have a profound influence on the well being of the individual can collectively have the same positive influence on the nation and on the world. Therefore it is worthy of our greatest efforts.

There are three important aspects to improving one's health, curing disease and profiting from Qigong. The first is CONFIDENCE. You need to believe that through hard work and consistent practice, health will be improved and disease cured. The second aspect is DETERMINATION. Make up your mind to overcome all the difficulties. Find time in your busy schedule to make your practice a priority. PERSEVERANCE in carrying on your practice is important.

A regular life and healthy diet are an important part of Qigong practice. Let positive feelings leave no room for the negative. Accept things as they are. Those who suffer from chronic illness should take an active part in regaining their health. Qigong has been shown to assist in the recovery from Cancer and the prevention of its return. It is especially useful in the easing of the side effects from chemotherapy and radiation treatments.




Karin Whitney Cooke, RN
Kokolulu Farm and Wellness Centre -,
Karin and Lew provide Qigong classes, Wellness Workshops and Cancer Survivor Retreats on the Big Island and Bali 808-889-9893

Yeast Infection Mouth Treatment - Options to Stop the Ouch! By Galadriel Anderson

Thrust which is a yeast infection in the mouth can be extremely painful and impact your day to day living. Though more common in babies during the first few months of life; a mouth yeast infection can also happen as an adult due to excessive antibiotic use, the presence of excessive glucose in the mouth (common with diabetes) or a severely weakened or damaged immune system stemming from chemotherapy, AIDS, etc.

A yeast infection in the mouth is reasonably easy to detect because of the symptoms, however having one means that something is going on in your system that needs to be examined and treated by a healthcare professional.

Some of the symptoms of Thrust or an oral yeast infection include:

- Pain involving the tongue, sides and roof of the mouth
- Sore throat
- White patches inside the mouth or on the inner lips

Luckily a yeast infection mouth treatment is something that can be taken care of easily in the comfort of home using everyday items that you likely already have in your kitchen.

For an adult suffering from a yeast infection in the mouth, you can use yogurt-make sure that the label states "live cultures" or "live bacteria". (This is the "good bacteria" that kills yeast) Hold a tablespoon of it in your mouth for five minutes. Do this 4 times a day. It helps to both heal and soothe.

Another proven and easy yeast infection mouth treatment option is garlic. For an adult, you simply crush a fresh clove of garlic and swallow. Do this 3 or 4 times a day. If it is a baby who has Thrush, then it is the nursing mother should consume the fresh, crushed garlic cloves 4 times a day so that the benefits of the garlic make their way into the baby via the breast milk.

There are few suggestions for the actual prevention because mouth yeast infections are caused by things which we have little control over. Keeping yourself as strong and healthy as possible will help you to deal with them more effectively and may make them less severe. Eating a diet low in yeast and high in nutrients and vitamin C will help to keep you strong. Keeping active whenever possible will help to keep you healthy and lower stress which can also be a culprit. Incorporating live culture yogurt and/or acidophilus supplements into your life will also be extremely helpful in your fight against yeast infection and when they do happen, it's nice to know that a yeast infection mouth treatment lies as close as your kitchen!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Smoking and Cancer - Could You Be Killing Your Family?

Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable deaths in the developed world. It is connected with some of the most serious conditions such as cancer, heart disease and stroke. Here we'll have a look at the effect of smoking on cancer.

Smoking and cancer - the facts

Thousands of cancer deaths a year are caused by smoking. It is estimated that 30% of all cancer deaths in the USA can be put down to smoking. When you look at cancers of the organs most affected by smoking the figures are even more shocking. About 87% of lung cancers are due to smoking. And even if you are a non-smoker you are not in the clear. It is thought that that 3,000 people a year die from lung cancer as a result of passive smoking - breathing in the smoke from other people's cigarettes. It's a sad thought that smokers could be killing the people closest to them; their friends, family and loved ones.

How does smoking cause cancer?

Cigarette smoke contains a mix of over 4,000 chemicals, of which at least 60 are known to be carcinogenic (cancer-forming). These include benzene, cadmium, chromium and polonium-210 (radon). Because smoking is highly addictive the body is exposed to these carcinogens on a repetitive basis. These substances cause the DNA in cells to alter and this can lead to cancer.

Will quitting help?

If you give up smoking you will reduce your chances of getting cancer or suffering other health related problems. The sooner you give up the better your chances of leading a healthier life. People that give up before the age of 50 are twice as likely to survive the next 15 years as people that continue to smoke.

What help is available to give up?

There's now more advice, help and products available to help you quit than ever before. The products that you can chose to help include nicotine replacement products such as nicotine gum and nicotine patches. You can either contact your doctor or buy nicotine gum over the counter. These products will help with the cravings. You are twice as likely to give up using a nicotine product than going 'cold-turkey'.

Other ways to help you quit include prescription drugs that you need to obtain from your doctor. These can help by reducing your desire for cigarettes. Some people have also found hypnotherapy to be of use to them.

What works best stop smoking pills or stop smoking gum? Find out about the different ways to quit at

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Have You Read About Turmeric For Cancer Prevention? by Gordon Hall

Studies concerning turmeric for cancer prevention are convincing. All have been positive. To date, there is no conflicting evidence. The antioxidant inhibits the formation, growth and spread of cancer cells. Clinical trials are currently underway concerning multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancers, colon cancers and many other forms of the disease. But, before you run out and buy a supplement, take a few minutes to read this article.

Like drugs, antioxidants are absorbed at different rates and in different amounts when taking orally. In the case of some antioxidants, little or none is absorbed into the bloodstream. Researchers would say that the antioxidant has low "bioavailability". If they were developing a drug, they would find ways to enhance the absorption or they would recommend injection, to get 100% bioavailability. Supplement manufacturers have learned how to enhance the bioavailability of antioxidants and other nutrients, but many manufacturers don't make use of the knowledge.

Studies concerning turmeric for cancer prevention indicate that the active antioxidant in the plant is curcumin. Curcumin has very low bioavailability. When eaten or taken in the form of an uncoated tablet, very little ends up in the bloodstream. The same is true of resveratrol, SAM-e and other nutrients.

The manufacturer can address the issue by including an enteric coating. They can also make use of specific combinations of nutrients that enhance the activity and bioavailability of each other. For example, supplements containing the vitamins A, C and E combined are more readily absorbed than those containing the individual ingredients.

Studies concerning turmeric for cancer prevention indicated that combining it with piperine (from black pepper) and green tea extract increases the bioavailability and enhances the cancer-fighting activity of each of the individual compounds. As far as we know, every antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory has at least some anti-cancer activity.

When it comes to treatment, studies concerning vitamin C and vitamin E have been conflicting. But, there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that in their natural form, both of those antioxidants are as beneficial as turmeric for cancer prevention. Other nutrients that are known to be beneficial include resveratrol, bilberry, vitamin D3, calcium, green tea, silymarin, grape seed extract, black cumin seed and lycopene.

When it comes to calcium and vitamin D3, researchers have found that low levels circulating in the bloodstream are associated with heart disease and cancer. They are unsure if the low levels are caused by the diseases or if the diseases were caused by the low levels. Either way, it is safe to say that supplementation can't hurt.

There's no need to go overboard. More is not necessarily better. But, it is next to impossible to get all of the nutrients that you need on a daily basis, without supplementation. Some of the better supplements contain all of the vitamins, minerals and extracts mentioned in this article, as well as many others. Instead of simply taking turmeric for cancer prevention, why not take a multi-nutritional supplement? That's the best way to reduce your risk and improve your chances. Visit my website today to learn about a multi-nutritional supplement that I've discovered that I'd like to share with you.

About the Author
Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of herbal, vitamin and mineral extracts. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at :

Marijuana Stops Spread of Breast Cancer Tumor by Cooper Hill

A non-psychoactive chemical that occurs naturally in the marijuana plant may prevent breast cancer from spreading, according to a study published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.

Researchers found that a chemical called cannabidiol (CBD) affects the activity of a gene known as Id-1 in patients with hormone-independent breast cancer. In embryos, Id-1 is responsible for helping cells grow and spread, but is supposed to remain inactive in adults. In human adults, it is found only in metastatic cancer cells, or cancer cells that are spreading throughout the body. "When [the Id-1 genes] wake up, they are very bad," said senior researcher Pierre Yves-Desprez. "They push the cells to behave like embryonic cells and grow. They go crazy, they proliferate, they migrate."

According to Desprez, shutting off the activity of Id-1 can make cancer far less lethal. Tumors, Desprez says, can be "removed easily by surgery," but if the cancer is spreading then the disease becomes much more difficult to contain. "[Id-1 is like] an [orchestra] conductor," Desprez said. "If you shoot the violinist, the orchestra just continues to play." "In this case, you shoot the conductor, and the whole orchestra is going to stop," he said.

Because CBD occurs in only very small quantities in the cannabis plant, the researchers do not recommend smoking marijuana as a cancer treatment. To be effective, CBD will either have to be artificially synthesized or extracted and concentrated. The chemical's major advantage, according to the researchers, is its apparent non-toxicity.

"Right now we have a limited range of options in treating aggressive forms of cancer," co-author Sean D. McAllister said. "Those treatments, such as chemotherapy, can be effective but they can also be extremely toxic and difficult for patients. This compound offers the hope of a non-toxic therapy that could achieve the same results without any of the painful side effects."

The researchers also expressed hope that CBD will also prove effective against other cancers that rely on Id-1, including brain, colon and prostate cancer.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

" Chem-Ho" Episode #6 -My journey through chemotherapy

"Chem-Ho" My journey through chemotherapy-Episode #5

Chem-Ho My journey through chemotherapy Episode #4

"Chem-Ho" My journey through chemotherapy- episode three

"Chem-Ho" A single woman's journey through chemotherapy-Episode Two

"Chem-Ho" My journey through chemotherapy-Episode #1

chemotherapy side effects relief - Efectos secundarios de la quimioterapia

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Can You Prevent Chemotherapy Side Effects with All Natural Herbs?

Certainly there must be something that can be done to help your friend or loved one with cancer. One solution is all natural herbs that can be used to strengthen the immune system and help regulate blood cell counts. These can be used as an adjunct to chemotherapy and in many cases used the same day that chemotherapy is given.

Just as drugs can affect many of the body systems, so can herbs. For example, one herb, cat's claw from the Amazon rainforest, boosts white blood cell count and function both 34%, but also has chemical constituents in it for improving depression. In Peru, herbalists sometimes recommend placing the herb underneath the pillow and say that the next morning, a new attitude will be found.

Because of the ability of all natural herbs such as cat's claw to affect the mind as well as the immune system, this herb is frequently found in all natural herb combinations for chemotherapy patients.

Reducing Chemotherapy Side Effects Strengthens the Body
One particular herbal combination I have found recently that has been tested and researched has actions that include activating the natural killer cells that fight against cancer, relieving fatigue and boosting energy levels of those on a treatment program of chemotherapy. What a wonderful combination of benefits from something natural.

This is a major feat in itself because chemotherapy drugs are good at killing cancer cells, but during the process, normal cells are also damaged. When cells are damaged, they need to be repaired and the process can leave one feeling fatigued, weak and also susceptible to infection.

Nausea, vomiting and even pain are also common side effects. About half of chemotherapy patients report that they feel queasy even before the chemotherapy treatment session begins! It's as if the body remembers feeling nausea from the last treatment session and is getting ready to start feeling the same thing again!

Natural herbal medicine is one of the best choices to reduce chemotherapy side effects because natural herbs often work on multiple body systems simultaneously, supporting the body functions holistically.

One proprietary formula of 15 all natural herbs has shown clinical results in an average of 7 days. The formula has a surprisingly pleasant taste and is reported by many cancer sufferers to change their condition from being bedridden to leading normal lives and even getting back to work.

The herbs included in this formula are:
Ligustrum Lucidum (fruit)
Polygonatum (root)
Poria (seed)
Codonopsis (root)
Psoralea (fruit)
Lycium (fruit)
Astragalus (root)
Dong Quai (root)
Tangerine (fruit peel)
Dendrobium (stem)
Chinese Licorice (root)
Spatholobus (stem)
Rehmannia (root)
Bai-zhu Atractylodes (root)
Reishi Mushroom (whole)

Dozens of research studies have reported that many of the all natural herbs in formulas like this are well known immune stimulators and have anti-cancer properties. They repair cellular damage, important when someone has cancer. Bai-zhu Atractylodes stimulates the two component parts of the immune system, the T cells and the B cells, producing more antibodies and more interferon and is known for its anti-cancer properties. Reishi Mushrooms promote the production of natural killer cells. Because of the actions of these all natural herbs, many cancer patients taking a combination such as this notice relief of anemia, relief of chronic fatigue, and relief from abnormal blood counts.

One of the big keys to recovering from cancer is regaining strength. Once this happens, the cancer patient feels better both physically and mentally and hope sets in.

For more info on herbal formulas that may help reduce chemotherapy side effects, see the website

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski is a master herbalist and a retired chiropractic physician. She is internationally known for her work in the field of herbs. Her website is

Relieving Chemotherapy Side Effects of Fatigue, Constipation, Nausea, Vomiting and Mouth Sores

It's a very sad day when someone is diagnosed with cancer of any type. The diagnosis from the doctor can cause someone to want to give up and the person often rides an emotional roller coaster for the next several months.

What many cancer patients fear most about cancer is the side effects of chemotherapy, such as hair loss, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and mouth sores. The sad part about these chemotherapy side effects is that food doesn't taste good anymore, doesn't smell good, and there is constant irritation in the mouth from mouth sores during times when eating. Life is naturally full of social opportunities to partake of food together with loved ones, but when this happy part of life is taken away from someone, the cancer patient's emotions can easily turn downward to depression.

During cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, it is difficult for a patient to consume the calories he or she needs to maintain good nutritional status. This can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, stomach problems, gas, depression, mental instability, and hair loss. The treatments themselves of chemotherapy and radiation can also cause the same side effects of loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, mouth sores, hair loss, nausea and vomiting.

So what is the solution? It is one that makes chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea and even hair loss a thing of the past.

Health professionals and research scientists have been reporting for the past few decades that when all natural herbs are used as an adjunct therapy for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation, the amount of suffering that is experienced from chemotherapy side effects dwindles down to the very minimum. As a result, the patient can conceivably receive the medical treatment and recover in the shortest amount of time possible.

One way that all natural herbs are used in the alleviation of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation is by mixing them together into herbal formulas. Herbs selected for alleviating side effects of chemotherapy in one formula included fennel, tangerine, Chinese hawthorne, Bai-zhu atractylodes, dendroblum, Chinese licorice, Codonopsis, ginger root, Job's Tears, Poria, and Astragalus.

The herbs were chosen by the rating of their usefulness of regulating the digestive system. Fennel helps the sense of taste return and increases the secretion of fluids needed for the digestive process. Ginger improves loss of appetite and stimulates blood circulation in the stomach. Ginger has been used for centuries to combat nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Astragalus is effective for loss of appetite and diarrhea.

The retention of body fluid is also important, since a dehydrated body makes toxic chemicals floating around in the body more toxic. The two herbs Job's Tears and Dendrobium are helpful for minimizing dehydration.

The quicker a cancer patient on chemotherapy and radiation can regain his or her strength and feel better physically and mentally, the quicker he or she can get on with living life to its fullest. The quicker the chemotherapy side effects can be alleviated, the sooner he or she can start improving the quality of life.

The inventors of this particular herbal combination found that the herbal combination was even helpful in those who did not have cancer, but had problems with their digestive tract, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.

Chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea and even hair loss can become a thing of the past.

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski wants to see every cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy and radiation come out healed and whole without experiencing the side effects along the way. She's a Master Herbalist and the author of Herbs of the Amazon. For more info about how she can help, see For additional info on how herbs can help those undergoing chemotherapy, see

Studies Reveal that Acupuncture May Reduce Chemotherapy Side Effects

Acupuncture, which dates as far back as the first millennium B.C., has been championed by practitioners, doctors, and patients as an effective vehicle for achieving balanced health. Acupuncture uses thin needles that are inserted just under the skin and left in place for about a half-hour.

According to Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture helps restore balance and a healthy energy flow within the body. Although scientists don't fully understand how or why acupuncture works, some studies indicate that it may provide a number of medical benefits including the reduction of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

Chemotherapy is a treatment for cancers that involves administering chemicals into the body that are found toxic to malignant cells. Chemotherapy, often successful in treating malignant cancer cells, often produces intense side effects in the body.

According to a review published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, certain types of acupuncture-point stimulation may relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting. Despite significant progress over the past decade in controlling chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, more than half of all patients receiving chemotherapy still suffer from these side effects. Furthermore, nausea may persist when vomiting is controlled. These symptoms can be severely debilitating and often lead patients to refuse further courses of chemotherapy. Refusing chemotherapy can minimize the chance for optimal health outcome.

The acupuncture point thought to be associated with relief of nausea is P6, which is located on the wrist. This point can be stimulated through a variety of methods, including manual acupuncture (insertion of needles), electro-acupuncture (passing electric current through the inserted needle), noninvasive electro-stimulation (application of electric current without a needle), or acupressure (pressure applied by the fingers or an elastic wristband). Patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy found that electro-acupuncture treatments combined with anti-nausea medication were more effective than medication alone in controlling their chemo-related vomiting, according to a study reported in the Dec. 6 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. According to cancer experts, the study adds to the evidence that non-traditional therapies can be helpful to patients suffering from side effects of chemotherapy. An increasing number of well-designed studies are focusing on complementary and alternative therapies.

Additional support for acupuncture to assist in alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy was offered at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, in December of 2000.

One hundred and four women who were undergoing high-dose chemotherapy prior to having bone marrow transplants received anti-nausea drugs. In addition, each woman received either electro-acupuncture once a day for five days, "minimal needling" with no electrical stimulation once a day for five days, or no additional therapy.

The women who received electro-acupuncture experienced significantly less nausea and vomiting than the women who didn't receive any needling, or who had only acupuncture. The women who received acupuncture without electrical stimulation also had less nausea and vomiting than the women who received no acupuncture.

The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium offered the following "take home message": Acupuncture may help curb nausea, one of the most feared and debilitating side effects of high-dose chemotherapy. It may provide additional relief of nausea beyond what medication alone can achieve.

David Rosenthal, MD, Chair of the American Cancer Society's (ACS) national advisory committee on complementary and alternative medicine, agrees that more research is merited. "The effects of this treatment might vary between different chemotherapy patient populations," he says. "You would also like to know if the benefit is enough, not only in efficacy but in efficiency.” “Still,” he says, “Patients are finding that acupuncture can sometimes be effective in dealing with pain, nausea, and treatment of mucositis (ulcerations in the mouth)." Acupuncture treatment is being provided at many cancer centers, including the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, where Rosenthal is in charge of integrative therapies. "We began offering acupuncture a month ago and the appointments are already filled." Rosenthal says.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Simple Facts Why There's So Much Cancer Now Days

Cancer, our number two killer, our modern day scourge has, since the end of the last Great War, been skyrocketing. Despite vast amounts of money being spent on research, are we any closer to reducing the cancer rate?

I've been lucky enough to have travelled, have been to many third world countries and when in these countries I like to observe how people live. Several facts with cancer which are clearly obvious, the more developed the country, the more chances one has of getting it. Looking at cancer statistics for all cancers from the "World Health Organization" (WHO) for the year 2002, for every 100 people that get cancer in the United States of America

90 will get it in Australia
70 in Greece
50 in Chile
30 in China
15 in Botswana
10 in Vanuatu.

We are still travelling and over the last 3 years we have spent many months living in Vanuatu. We have got to know many of the local people, especially in the isolated northern islands. They don't get cancer, I've asked, also talked to doctors and been to their hospitals but we do so why? Let's look at the different ways these people live, firstly at the food they eat.

The majority of their food is fresh, grown locally where they live. They don't use fertilizers or sprays.
Most of our food is commercially grown using artificial fertilizers and sprays.
The only processed food they use is a little rice, flour and maybe sugar.
Processed food today forms a huge part of our diet.
They eat very little meat, some chicken, free range of course and home raised pork.
We are big meat consumers.
They eat no dairy products.
We eat dairy products everyday.
They don't use salt.
Statistics tell us we consume 10 grams per person per day.
They quench their thirst with coconut milk or water.
We drink tea, coffee, soft drink and alcohol.
Children have as a snack, paw paw, banana or some taro.
Our children eat as a snack biscuits, chippies or lollies.
They live in houses that are made of natural products.
Our houses are made of products that use many chemicals, boric-treated timber and formaldehyde an insidious poison that's in curtains, carpets, upholstery and particle board flooring.

They don't use personal care products.
We have a vast array of products that we apply directly to our porous skin; nearly all are from the petro-chemical industry and many are known to be carcinogenic.
They get plenty of exercise because there are few roads so they have to walk.
We no longer get exercise as we have a car to take us where we want to go.

Now I'm sure you don't want to live the way they live or eat the food they eat everyday, but we can learn from them. Cancer is a disease of a weak immune system which has been weakened through a lifetime of wrong eating, the use of too many chemicals and our lack of exercise. The first requirement of a person with cancer is to strengthen their immune system which is of course your guardian angel, our built-in repair system that keeps us healthy.

The way to strengthen your immune system is to eat the food that's been designed for the human being, and they are fresh fruit and vegetables. One also needs to remove the food that suppresses the immune system, and they are processed food and food that is high in fat, salt and refined sugar. In addition, one should remove all chemicals from their lifestyle that is building up toxins within the body and of course get some exercise. We need exercise as it's only through muscular activity that the immune system will function properly. It doesn't have a pump like the heart; but relies on muscular contractions to circulate the lymph, which is the immune system fluid.

The importance of oxygen in the body was discovered back in 1931 by Dr Otto Warburg, a German biochemist who won his first Nobel Prize for the discovery that oxygen deficiency and cell fermentation are part of the cancer process. He stated that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells and that cancer will occur whenever a cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.

We don't have a cure for cancer today but only expensive ineffective treatments. The problem with these is that they deal solely with the symptom of the disease, which is the cancer growth but give scant regard to the all important reason why the disease arrived in the first place. We all know someone who's had their cancer treated medically with seeming success only to find a few months or years later it has returned. The way to become cancer free is through knowledge and education and applying a bit of common sense. When one removes the factors that caused the problem in the first place, the human body with the aid of a healthy immune system has a much greater ability to remove the cancer, slowly and surely and permanently. Isn't that what we are trying to achieve?

We all regard the curing or healing of cancer as a complicated science but the facts are it only requires simple changes. True cures for cancer will only be achieved when a person stimulates their own bodies defence system and there are only natural ways to do that which are easy to carry out.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years gaining knowledge, particularly regarding cancer. If you want information on better, more effective ways to treat cancer, visit Cancer Facts & Information where you can download a free article which has been written to help people overcome their problem with cancer.

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Studies Reveal that Acupuncture May Reduce Chemotherapy Side Effects

Acupuncture, which dates as far back as the first millennium B.C., has been championed by practitioners, doctors, and patients as an effective vehicle for achieving balanced health.
Acupuncture uses thin needles that are inserted just under the skin and left in place for about a half-hour.

According to Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture helps restore balance and a healthy energy flow within the body. Although scientists don't fully understand how or why acupuncture works, some studies indicate that it may provide a number of medical benefits including the reduction of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

Chemotherapy is a treatment for cancers that involves administering chemicals into the body that are found toxic to malignant cells. Chemotherapy, often successful in treating malignant cancer cells, often produces intense side effects in the body. According to a review published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, certain types of acupuncture-point stimulation may relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting. Despite significant progress over the past decade in controlling chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, more than half of all patients receiving chemotherapy still suffer from these side effects. Furthermore, nausea may persist when vomiting is controlled. These symptoms can be severely debilitating and often lead patients to refuse further courses of chemotherapy. Refusing chemotherapy can minimize the chance for optimal health outcome.

The acupuncture point thought to be associated with relief of nausea is P6, which is located on the wrist. This point can be stimulated through a variety of methods, including manual acupuncture (insertion of needles), electro-acupuncture (passing electric current through the inserted needle), noninvasive electro-stimulation (application of electric current without a needle), or acupressure (pressure applied by the fingers or an elastic wristband). Patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy found that electro-acupuncture treatments combined with anti-nausea medication were more effective than medication alone in controlling their chemo-related vomiting, according to a study reported in the Dec. 6 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. According to cancer experts, the study adds to the evidence that non-traditional therapies can be helpful to patients suffering from side effects of chemotherapy. An increasing number of well-designed studies are focusing on complementary and alternative therapies.

Additional support for acupuncture to assist in alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy was offered at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, in December of 2000.

One hundred and four women who were undergoing high-dose chemotherapy prior to having bone marrow transplants received anti-nausea drugs. In addition, each woman received either electro-acupuncture once a day for five days, "minimal needling" with no electrical stimulation once a day for five days, or no additional therapy. The women who received electro-acupuncture experienced significantly less nausea and vomiting than the women who didn't receive any needling, or who had only acupuncture. The women who received acupuncture without electrical stimulation also had less nausea and vomiting than the women who received no acupuncture.
The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium offered the following ‘take home message :
Acupuncture may help curb nausea, one of the most feared and debilitating side effects of high-dose chemotherapy. It may provide additional relief of nausea beyond what medication alone can achieve.

David Rosenthal, MD, Chair of the American Cancer Society's (ACS) national advisory committee on complementary and alternative medicine, agrees that more research is merited. "The effects of this treatment might vary between different chemotherapy patient populations," he says.
"You would also like to know if the benefit is enough, not only in efficacy but in efficiency.” “Still,” he says, “Patients are finding that acupuncture can sometimes be effective in dealing with pain, nausea, and treatment of mucositis (ulcerations in the mouth)." Acupuncture treatment is being provided at many cancer centers, including the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, where Rosenthal is in charge of integrative therapies. "We began offering acupuncture a month ago and the appointments are already filled." Rosenthal says.